
Guest statute——搭车人法令、搭车者条例、乘客条款

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  state law which sets standards of care by the driver of a car to a non-paying passenger. Although state laws vary, the basic concept is that the social passenger can bring suit for negligence against the driver for gross negligence only if the driver could have foreseen that his/her actions or car could put the rider in great peril.

  【注】 所谓的guest statute (搭车人法令),是指美国有的州法律规定搭车者因车主不慎而在交通事故中受到伤害,不得向车主要求赔偿,其目的主要是制止搭车者对车主忘恩负义的行为以及防止车主和客人合谋制造事故,骗取保险赔偿。
