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  爱德华: Hello, I"m here for a consultation regarding civil law. 您好,我想咨询一下民法方面的问题。

  律师: Yes, please. 请讲。

  爱德华: My neighbors are causing me to lose sleep. They are always singing and dancing late into the night. 我邻居让我根本睡不着觉。他们总是唱歌跳舞到大半夜。

  律师: Oh, I see. For a case like this, we"ll arrange for a lawyer to go visiting your neighbor with you. 哦,明白了。对于这种案子,我们通常会安排个律师去跟您的邻居交涉。

  爱德华: I spoke to them several times before. I don"t think having a lawyer present is going to help. 我和他们都谈过好几次了。我看律师去谈也不会管用的。

  律师: In that case, we"ll contact the police. If they find enough evidence, they"ll force your neighbors to comply. 这样的话,我们就只能通知警方了,如果证据确凿,警方就能强令他们夜间安静些。

  爱德华: That"s good. I hope I can have some peaceful nights in the future. 好。希望马上就有安静日子过了。
