
Restraint of trade——竞业限制、限制从业

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  Restraint of trade is a restriction on a person"s freedom to conduct business in a specified or unspecified location for a specified or unspecified length of time. Such restrictions are normally enacted by contracts. Generally however, such contracts are void on the ground of illegality, and cannot be enforceable unless they are reasonable in the interests of both contracting parties and of the public at large. Contracts between employer and employee and contracts for the sale of businesses which include terms restrictive of free business conduct are subject to this rule.

  【注】 Restraint of trade(竞业限制),主要出现在雇佣关系上。很多时候,雇主会在雇佣合约上加上条款,限制雇员在离职以后,往别处地方工作或限制雇员在某特定时间内为其它雇主工作。这些限制有可能因地域或时间长短等而被法庭裁定无效。
