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此外,还值得一提的是与法律文书“送达”有关的词汇概念。在英联邦国家和美国的法律制度中,“送达”是由service来担当的,该词使用的频率非常高。法庭的一切文书,如传票、命令、判决、各种状辞,都是以service或serve这两个同根的普通词来实现的,可以serve a writ或serve a court order或serve an injunction or restraining order. 以下就是一份由香港法庭发出的普通传召令(writ of summons)

THIS WRIT OF SUMMONS has been issued against you by the above-mentioned Plaintiff in respect of the claim set out on the back.

Within 14 days after the service of this Writ on you, counting the day of service, you must either satisfy the claim or return the Registry of the Supreme Court the accom-panying ACKNOWLEDGE OF SERVICE stating therein whether you intend to contest these proceedings.

If you fail to satisfy the claim or to return the Acknowledgement within the time stated, or if you return the Acknowledgment without stating an intention to contest the proceedings, the Plaintiff may proceed with the action and judgment may be entered against you forthwith without further notice.

Note: This Writ may not be served later than 12 Calendar months beginning with the date unless renewed by order the court.

一旦判决书下来,被告要么服罪;要么上诉。刑事案中大部分被告都会想方设法向上一级法庭提出上诉(appeal)在国内,县级法庭判处的案子可向地区一级法庭提出上诉;地区法庭判处的案子可向省级人民法院提出上诉。而在香港,法庭级别稍有不同,自下而上的级别分别为:裁判法院(the Magistrates Court)以及同一级别的小额钱债审裁处(the Small Claims Tribunal)劳资审裁处(the Labour Tribunal)土地审裁处(the Lands Tribunal)淫秽物品审裁处(the Obscene Articles Tribunal)死因裁判法庭(the Coroner‘s Court)以及少年法庭(the Juvenile Court),区域法院(District Court),高等法院[ (high court)其中设有上诉法庭和原诉法庭 (the Court of Appeal and the Court of First Instance)],以及终审法院 (the Court of Final Appeal)

无论是民事案件还是刑事案件,在一审判决之后当事人都有权提出上诉,其法律上的称呼便即刻变更。他成了上诉人(appellant);而被上诉人(appellee)并非是原来的控方或原告。被上诉人是政府,即作出判决的有关级别的法庭。如果上一级法庭认为下级法庭审判程序有错,或法官给予陪审团的法律指引有误,而该程序或法律观点对一般民众又具有相当的重要性,那么上级法庭可准许上诉,也可将案件驳回(remand)到下级法庭或要求重审(retry),这就是说:conviction is overturned or reverse appellant‘s conviction.
