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房地产高管绩效考核方案5篇 房地产市场诱人的前景必然导致企业间展开激烈的竞争。而在房地产企业因市场竞争而开展的营销活动中,却存在着诸多问题。方案要写明在什么时间、多大范围内由哪些人做哪些工作,采取什么方式于何时做到何种程度。你是否在找正准备撰写“房地产高管绩效考核方案”,下面是小编精心整理的房地产高管绩效考核方案(通用3篇),仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

第一篇: 房地产高管绩效考核方案

Recalling this work in 2011, the work is high enthusiasm, but also threw himself into, work conscientiously. With the advent of the new year, a review of our work is aimed at drawing lessons and improving ourselves in order to do a better job.

First, the work review

Vanke ________: Since the opening in May, to participate in June to two city tour plan, in July the owners to pay back quarter, August Vanke happy month, 9-10 month residential expansion, closed sales in November and a series of work , From which profound experience to Vanke under the system of tight work system, and in work to learn a careful and comprehensive way of thinking.

Pauli __ __ __ __: November formal participation in the work of Paul Lafite, which is higher than the Vanke high-end projects, different projects, developers and the environment, work methods have changed, and Vanke"s step by step, Belong to the "stocking" working environment, more is to see the results of things. Which is also involved in the 12-year marketing program work, although twists and turns, revised dozens of times, but ultimately get the recognition of developers, which also learned a large marketing program work processes and ways of thinking.

As the company took over the new project, the beginning of the year also participated in the day reputation, stone lake, Palm Springs project in the work of the project and marketing programs, access to more different types, different nature, different positioning projects, More programs to write skills and methods to learn more industry expertise.

Second, the lack of points

Their nine months in the company"s work, flash point is not much, there are many undesirable work of the Department, summed up the main problems are the following:

1, lack of communication, can not make full use of resources

In the course of work, due to the industry professional unfamiliar, nor actively to other colleagues for advice, resulting in reduced efficiency or even errors, can not reach the full advantage of the advantages of resources. In future work, the need to take the initiative to strengthen and other colleagues and even colleagues in other departments of communication, through the company this platform to achieve resource sharing, thereby enhancing their level of business.

2, the lack of planning

In the course of their work, due to the lack of planning, the purpose of the work is not clear, primary and secondary contradictions are unclear, often achieve less effective results. In the future work process, the need to clearly develop work plans, work to strengthen the purpose of understanding, distinguish between primary and secondary contradictions, strive to achieve a multiplier effect.

3, professional narrow surface

Due to their narrow professional side, the real estate other professional knowledge is not enough, but also caused the work of the low-level errors committed. Therefore, strengthening professional learning is inevitable and quite important task.

4, lack of logic

Logic is the embodiment of a professional planning staff, and this is where my flaws, thinking is not through, before and after the uncoordinated, seriously affected the overall process of the program ideas, leading to the final results unsatisfactory, this point But also the need for long-term training.

Third, recommendations

During the work, the company also try to carry out all aspects of knowledge training, which enhance the individual play a great help, but also suggested that more training can continue to carry out.

第二篇: 房地产高管绩效考核方案

甲方: (以下简称甲方) 办公地址: 邮编:

乙方: (以下简称乙方) 办公地址: 邮编:


鉴于甲方系《 》(暂定名)项目(以下称本项目)的合法开发建设单位,本项目位于 区 路 号,总建筑面积约 平方米。其中委托可售建筑面积 平方米,共计 套。除非另有特别约定,本合同所有面积和技术指标最终以实测面积为准。






















(一)、委托产权价格均价人民币 元/㎡。





本项目销售期限于网上开通并以甲方书面通知可签预售合同之日起至取得入住许可证 个月止。合同期满后经双方同意可以延长合同期限。



(a) 甲方已取得销售物业的预售许可证。

(b) 售楼处已按双方确认的标准完成了装修布置。

(c) 样板房已装修并配置全部家具。

(d) 双方已经确定全部房源的销售价格。


每期房源开盘销售期限内乙方应合计成功销售可售建筑面积的 %以上。






(一)、甲、乙双方商定,佣金结算底价为本合同第三条约定以补充协议为准,按成交价之 %支付佣金,作为乙方广告企划费及营销代理佣金;超底价部分 : 分成,即甲方 %,乙方 %。

(二)、若因甲方原因造成底价以下成交---乙方成功接待客户,并已书面约定成交价,通过关系甲方给客户折扣,并致低于底价成交,甲方应按底价考核,并按成交价 %支付佣金,无溢价分成。

(三)、甲方客户低于一房一价底价成交的,按成交金额之 %给付乙方佣金。


(五)、客户如在本代理合同有效期内预交定金,虽预(出)售合同于本代理合同有效期后签订,按 %支付佣金。


(一)、客户签定预(出)售合同,且首期款到位、客户贷款资料初审通过后即可结算佣金,佣金每月结算一次(每次按 %结算,其余销售指标完成一次付清),每月三日前,乙方即送交甲方上月佣金请款明细,甲方应在五日内核准并结清上月佣金,每延误一日按万分之三每日支付滞纳金。




甲乙双方确定的联络地址为:甲方地址: 甲方邮编: 乙方地址: 乙方邮编:



如乙方不能在规定期限内完成销售指标,甲方有权单方面终止本协议,并扣除未付佣金及溢价(即总额之 %)。













本合同自签定日起生效,非经双方书面同意,任何一方不得擅自更改或解除本合同;本合同有效期内,如有增减条款,均应经双方书面同意后始生效。 (以下无正文)

甲方: 乙方:

代表: 代表:

签约日期: 年 月 日

第三篇: 房地产高管绩效考核方案

I am the shopping malls, stores and supermarkets, convenience stores, the operation and the investment is more familiar with the work, have a strong business negotiation capabilities. Responsible for the work seriously, at work, accumulated a lot of management and social experience, a certain management capacity, has its own set of communication methods and management methods, can better manage personnel activities. Be competent for sales, procurement, business and many other work.

I have more than a year of real estate sales experience and. One year secretary working experience. I can in a short period of time and customers to achieve good communication, do home help during the consultants and their own efforts to help their predecessors the first day of the post there is a very good performance. In the work of more than a year, I can get a very good performance per month, and independently handle all customer loans and bank loans later. Personal ability to be managers and colleagues affirmed. Secretary of the work, is mainly responsible for the daily work of the Office; daily data check. And Party A and the bank"s customer information, the amount of docking. Statistics on the turnover of property consultants, as well as the daily data transfer to the company.

I am optimistic and positive, strong adaptability, strong professionalism and team spirit, a certain organization and publicity, proficiency in word, excel, powerpoint, cad and other computer-related skills, mastering machine-related Japanese terminology and general manager of translation Experience in reading, writing and reading. Please give me a chance, I will also you to dazzling brilliance!
