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第1篇: 夏洛的网英语读后感




Today, I finished reading the book "Charlotte"s Web". I was very moved. I didn"t think how great the friendship between friends was.

In the book, a piglet named Weber enters a new farm, where there are cows, horses, geese and sheep. The piglet and these animals become good partners. One day, an animal suddenly mentioned that a pig born in spring could not see the snow in winter. Weber, the little pig, was very sad. One night, a spider named Charlotte heard Weber"s cry and asked Weber, "What"s the matter?" Weber said the matter again. So Charlotte promised Weber that he would see the snow in winter. Charlotte weaved three nets in front of and behind her, on which were written: "great pig", "radiant" and "modest" to show Weber"s good will and not let the master kill Weber. But the farmer didn"t feel the joy Weber brought to the farm, so he still wanted to kill Weber. In a pig contest, Weber didn"t win the first place. Just when the family was ready to take Weber back to the farm and eat it, Charlotte, who was pregnant with a baby, helped Weber again. This time, the farmer finally let go of the idea of killing Weber and felt that Weber had brought enough to the farm.

Charlotte sacrificed herself for Weber. How important is the belief of friendship between friends. We should also respect friendship like Charlotte. In this way, friends can establish an unbreakable trust. Finally, Weber became the first pig born in spring to see snow.

第2篇: 夏洛的网英语读后感





I have read a book called "Charlotte"s Web", which is a famous book of children"s literature in the world.

This book is about some animals living in Zuckerman"s barn. Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider are the best friends. They live together in love. At this time, a bad news broke their peaceful life. By Christmas, Wilbur would be made into bacon ham, which made Wilbur anxious. Charlotte was not worried at all. He said, "It"s okay, I can save you." So Charlotte weaved "Ace Pig", "Great" and "Brilliant" on the pigsty with her own silk. Wilbur became big news, and people lined up to see it. This has completely changed Wilbur"s fate. Wilbur and Charlotte went to participate in the market competition. Charlotte weaved "humility" for Wilbur in the market competition. This made a sensation again, and Wilbur won the "Special Award". But at this time, Charlotte was dying and said goodbye to Wilbur.

The author of this book is an American. He is a famous writer. Although he has only written three fairy tales in his life: "Charlotte"s Net", "The Little Elf Mouse" and "The Swan Blowing the Trumpet", these three books have become famous works and all have been made into films. Because of its popularity, "Little Elf Mouse" has also made a sequel.

This book is very touching. The friendship between Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider is very precious. Charlotte gave her life for Wilbur. This book made me understand that friendship is very important and can"t be bought for any money.

第3篇: 夏洛的网英语读后感









In the summer vacation, I read a book "Charlotte"s Web" recommended by the teacher. This book is about a newly born pig in John Arable"s family. Mr. Arable wanted to kill the pig, but his 8-year-old daughter Fern couldn"t see it. After her repeated efforts, Mr. Arable finally promised Fern not to kill it and let Fern take care of it and raise it. Fern gave her a nice name, Wilbur.

Under Fern"s care, the piglet grew up. The parents said they would not let Wilbur live any more, so they sold the pig to Fern"s uncle, Mr. Zuckerman.

In Mr. Zuckerman"s barn, Wilbur met many people: the goose, the goose, Templeton (a mouse), and so on. But no one wanted to be Wilbur"s friend. They all hated the strange smell of Wilbur. One night, Piglet made his first friend. The next day, he realized that it was a spider named Charlotte.

The little pig learned from Charlotte that the little pig would become people"s food, which frightened the little pig, "I"m still young, and don"t want to die!"

"I"ll save you!" Suddenly a voice came to Wilbur"s ear. It was originally Charlotte.

In this way, Charlotte listed the following words on the Internet in order: "Ace pig, great, humble, and brilliant". It is these words that make Wilbur the piglet really become a great and brilliant Ace pig. Mr. Zuckerman also took it to the market to participate in the competition and won the first prize, but Charlotte died in the market. The final wish of Xialuo is to bring her child back to the barn. In this way, Xialuo"s children always have a partner to stay with the piglet. But Wilbur will never forget Charlotte.

After reading this book, I was deeply moved. Except for the companions in the barn, who knows how much a spider has made to its friends in spite of its own safety during this period of time. It is the spider that saved the life of the piglet Wilbur. This alone proves that Charlotte cherishes friendship and loves Wilbur.

It is normal for spiders to form webs, but you have seen a spider form words on its own love web in order to save a pig? If you ask me, I will say that I have seen it. Although it is only the hero in a fairy tale novel, it fully proves the value of friendship, which can"t be bought with any amount of money! If a person has no friends, it means nothing. Having friends can at least help him solve problems and talk to himself, right?

第4篇: 夏洛的网英语读后感






Today, I finished reading the book "Charlotte"s Web" in one breath and felt deeply

This book mainly tells the story of friendship between a pig and a spider named Charlotte in a big farm. A little girl named Fern saved the life of a dead pig, but Fern"s parents sold the pig to her uncle when it was a month old, but Fern still often went to see the pig. This little pig"s name is Wilbur. Wilbur has met many friends, such as mice, geese, horses, sheep.... Of course, there is little spider Charlotte. One day, the little pig heard that it would be killed on Christmas Eve. He was very afraid, but the insignificant Charlotte said, "I will not let you die." Sure enough, with the help of Templeton, the mouse, Charlotte weaved the words "ace pig", "great", "brilliant" and "humble" on the Internet, making people think this is a strange pig. Wilbur escaped from being killed. At this time, Charlotte came to the end of her life

This book is very touching. Even the friendship between people is not as good as the friendship between piglet and Charlotte. Charlotte can give her life for her children and friends. Wilbur also brought Charlotte"s children to the world. Charlotte always told Wilbur to be brave, not to be afraid, to eat and drink every day, to have fun, to live happily and bravely. There are few loyal friendships between people like them. Animals are not as "inhuman" as people say. Although they can"t speak, they also have feelings and life. How valuable is the friendship between Wilbur and Charlotte! When Charlotte dies, he should also think about his friends. Wilbur likes Charlotte. Wilbur thinks that Charlotte"s position in his mind is irreplaceable. People don"t understand the friendship between animals and think that they are unselfish animals. Charlotte and Wilbur have also established a trust. Wilbur believes in Charlotte very much, and believes that Charlotte will save it, and it always works hard to achieve perfection according to Charlotte"s words, He has always regarded Charlotte as his best and most loyal relatives and friends.

Friendship is light, it will always exist, not only make life more meaningful, but also give you the courage to live. So, without Wilbur, Charlotte"s network would not be so unique; Without Charlotte, Wilbur would not flash. The meaning and value of friendship lies here. Charlotte"s death is not a tragedy. Her life is complete. His soul is immortal, immortal and shining

I was deeply moved by Charlotte"s noble quality. Although it is not human, it has the same excellent advantages as human beings. In the world, how many pairs of such friends are there, and how many such friendships depend on each other. Their friendship is irreplaceable.
