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( )1. A. their B. father C. mouth( )2. A. fish B. find C. give

( )3. A. dad B. apple C. banana ( )4. A. blue B. run C. us

( )5. A. be B. he C. elephant

二. 找出下列英文单词所对应的中文意思(10分)。

(1)ceiling         A.电话      (6)cherry            A 新朋友

(2)window          B.天花板    (7)go to school       B 他的奶奶

(3)telephone       C橡皮擦     (8)his grandma    C 一只漂亮的孔雀

(4)watch           D窗         (9)a beautiful peacock   D 樱桃

(5)eraser          E表         (10)new friend         E 去上学


1. ______ this word?

A. what to spell B. how to spell C. Can you spell

2. ——Whose ruler is it? ——Maybe it’s _______.

A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s

3. ——_____ do you do? ——I am a teacher.

A. What B. When C. Where

4. Mrs. Sun is a friend of _______.

A. me B. mine C. My

5. There _____ two cups of tea on the table.

A. is B. are C. was

6._____peaches does she have?

A.How many B.How much C.How long

7. _____ she like goldfishes?

A.Do  B.Does C.Did

8. What _____? They are teeth.

A. are this B. is this C. are these

9. Are these grapes? No, _____

A. it isn’t  B.they aren’t C. they are

10. Whose books are these? They are _____ books.

A. they B. their C.them


1,( )你想知道对方姓名,应说_

A.My name is Han Mel. B. What's your name? C. Hello.

2.( )早上遇见 刘老师,应说_

A.Thank you,Mr. Li. B.How? C.Good morning,Mr. Liu.

3.( )别人向你打招呼 Hello!你应说_

A.What's your name? B.Hello! C.Thank you.

4.( )假如你叫林峰,当有人问你What's your name?时,你应回答_____.

A.I'm fine,too B.Nice to meet von C.My name is Lin Feng.

5.( )下午与同学见面,你应说____

A.Good afternoon. B.What's your name? C.How are you

6.( )你想知道这个女孩是Lily的姐姐吗应该怎么说?

A. Who is this girl? B. Is she her sister? C. Is she Lily’s sister?

7.( )当经介绍后认识某人,你应该说:

A. Good morning B. Please sit down.

C. Thank you. D. Nice to meet you.

8.( )上课铃响了,教师走进教室,班长应该说:

A.Please come in. B.Good morning C.Stand up.

9.( )想知道对方的年龄,应怎样问?

A.How old are you? B.How are you? C.How do you do?

10. ( )想问对方喜欢吃什么水果,应怎样问?

A. what fruit do you like? B.what animal do you like?

C. what fruit dose she like?


My father __ 1____ a good friend in the factory (工厂). He is sixty. He is an old man. All of the children __2___ him. We call ____3___ Uncle Sam. He from England. He ___4___ in Sichuan. ____5___favorite fruit is apple, and he always give me ____6___after dinner. What____7___ ____8___he like? He likes rabbits and  ____9___, because ____10___ fur is beautiful.

( )1. A. have B. haves C. has D. is

( )2. A. like B. likes C. is liking D. are like

( )3. A. he B. they C. him D. his

( )4. A. live B. living C. lives D. to live

( )5. A. What B. Which C.How many D.How

( )6. A an apple B.a apple C.a apples D.an apples

( )7. A.animal B.animals C. animales D. animaling

( )8. A. do B. don’t C. does D. doesn’t

( )9. A.goose B.geese C.gooses D.geeses

( )10. A .their B. theirs C. its D. they



  Spring Festival(春节) comes on February 19th this year! Boys and girls like it very much because(因为) they don’t go to school from February 1st to February 28th. And they can have new clothes and much money. They can also eat lots of food. But in Liangshan, Sichuan, some boys and girls are not happy. They don’t have warm(暖和的) clothes or food. They can’t go to school. They need help. Do you want to help them? Call us at 87865866.   

1. Spring Festival is on ________.

   A. February 1st     B. February 19th      C. January 26th       D. January 9th

2. Most(大多数的) boys and girls can have________during Spring Festival(春节期间).

   A. new clothes      B. computer          C. a soccer ball      D. a telephone

3. In Sichuan, some boys and girls don’t have ________.

A. parents         B. food           C. warm clothes        D. B and C


Students like fast food(快餐) very much. Many of them like to meet friends in a fast food restaurant. They can eat many kinds(种类) of food and listen to(听) music in the restaurant. They like to have chicken, French fries, hamburgers, salad and Cola. Their favorite food is ice-cream. But I don’t think fast food is healthy. I like vegetables and fruits. They are healthy food.

4. Students like ________very much.

   A. Cola          B. ice cream         C. chicken        D. fast food

5. ________ are healthy food.

   A. French fries and chicken             B. Hamburgers and Cola

C. Vegetables and fruits                D. Cola and ice cream

6. Their favorite food is _______.

   A. cola            B. fruits          C. ice-cream       D. salad


Hi, boys and girls! A new(新的) Mama store is in No. 1 Middle School now. Come and see at our great sale! We have bread for 3 yuan. Xiangpiaopiao milk tea is on sale for 2 yuan. Vegetable hamburgers are only 3 yuan. Do you need notebook? It is only 2 yuan. We also have pens in all colors, only 1 yuan each(每支). Some students want to buy socks. We have black socks for only 10 yuan for 3 pairs. For girls, we have socks in pink and purple, they are very nice. Come and buy your things at our great sale.

7. The new store is ______.

A. in the school        B. in our room     C. in the library     D. in the classroom

8. Mary wants to buy a notebook and a pen, she pays(付钱) ________.

A. 6 yuan.          B. 2 yuan.          C. 3 yuan.         D. 4 yuan.

9. What is the color of  socks?

A.black         B.pink  C. purplrD. A,B,C

10. This article (文章) is ________.

A. a letter(信件) B. a notice(通知)     C. an e-mail(邮件)        D. an ad(广告)


38____________     67________________ 16________________101________________232________________


Thirteen____________ twenty________________





全卷分A、B卷,共八页 总分150分



1、-11,   0,  0.2,   3,  + 中,正数一共有(   )

A、.5个          B、.2个           C、1个         D、.3个

2、-3.14的相反数是(   )

A 、3.14            B 、π            C 、-π           D、-3.14

3、在0,,-,-8,+10,+19,+3,-3.4中整数的个数是(    )

A、6            B、.5                C、.4             D、.3

4、下列图形中不是完整的数轴的是(   )

5、负数是指(    )

A、把某个数的前边加上“-”号               B、不大于0的数

C、除去正数的其他数                         D、小于0的数

6、下列各数中,大于-的负数是( )

A.-       B.-         C.          D.0

7、关于零的叙述错误的是(    )

A.零大于所有的负数                         B.零小于所有的正数

C.零是整数                            D.零是正数,也是负数

8、.非负数是指(    )

A.正数       B.零         C.正数和零         D.自然数

9、每个有理数都可以用数轴上的以下哪项来表示(    )

A.一个点      B.线         C.单位            D.长度

10、文具店、书店和玩具店依次座落在一条东西走向的大街上,文具店在书店西边20米处,玩具店位于书店东边100米处,小明从书店沿街向东走了40米,接着又向东走了-60米,此时小明的位置在(    )

A.文具店  B.玩具店         C.文具店西40米处     D.玩具店西60米处

11、下列各式中正确的是(    )

A.-3.14<-πB.-1.5>-1           C.3.5>-3.4D.

12、如图所示,是一个由小立方体搭成的几何体的俯视图,小正方形中数字表示该位置的小立方块的个数,则它的主视图为(    )

13、如图,.如果点ABCD所对应的数为abcd,则abcd的大小关系为(   )

A.acdbB.bdac     C.bdcaD.dbca

14、任何一个有理数的绝对值一定(    )

A.大于0      B.小于0              C、 .不大于0         D、不小于0

15、若a>0,b<0,且|a|<|b|,则a+b一定是( )

A.正数        B.负数           C.非负数          D.非正数

16、|x|=1,则x与-3的差为(   )

A.4         B.-2               C.4或2             D.2

17、下面几何体的截面可能是圆的是(   )

A.正方体        B.圆锥              C.长方体              D.棱柱

18、在(-1)3,(-1)2,-22,(-3)2这四个数中,最大的数与最小的数的和等于( )

 A.6            B. 8                  C.-5                D.5

19、对于—(—2)3,下列说法正确的是(    )

A.—(—2)3是—2的3次幂                B.—(—2)3的底数是2,3是指数

C.-(-2)3是3个(-2)相乘的积 D.-(-2)3表示3个-2相乘的积的相反数.

    下列各对数中,互为倒数的是( )

A、 5和-         B 、2和-2            C 、-1和-1        D、 0.01和10













八、(5分)在某地区,夏季高山上的温度从山脚起每升高100米平均降低0.8 ℃,已知山脚的温度是24 ℃,山顶的温度是4 ℃,试求这座山的高度.










<table Table" border="1" cellspacing="0" style="margin-left:9px;margin-right:9px;border:1px solid #000">







计算:6×7=           ;66×67=           ;666×667=          ;

6666×6667=           ;………………

根据上述各式的规律,你认为4444422222=                   。
